Green Belt Certification Exam – Extended

This “Extended” certification exam has a time limit of 6 hours and is being provided to users with circumstances that justify the need for additional time. All questions draw randomly from the same pool of questions as the standard Green Belt certification exam. The passing score is also the same as the standard exam (80%). Because our site is “responsive”, users with visual impairments may increase their browser size and the test will automatically scale to fit the screen while also rendering much large font sizes.

Upon Successful completion of this exam – Users must email to inform us of your passing score. We will then “complete” your standard Green Belt Certification Exam that is associated with your registered course. If all other course requirements have been met, this action will trigger our system to release your certification.

To begin taking this exam, click on the “Green Belt Certification Exam – Extended” link found below. Your test will auto start, you will have 6 hours to complete the exam.

Course Content