Posts Tagged ‘hypothesis test’
Two Sample Proportion with SigmaXL
What is the Two Sample Proportion Test? The two sample proportion test is a hypothesis test to compare the proportions of one certain event occurring in two populations following the binomial distribution. [unordered_list style=”star”] Null Hypothesis(H0): p1 = p2 Alternative Hypothesis(Ha): p1 ≠ p2 [/unordered_list] Two Sample Proportion Test Assumptions [unordered_list style=”star”] The sample data…
Read MoreOne Way ANOVA with SigmaXL
What is One Way ANOVA? One way Analysis of Variance is a statistical method to compare means of two or more populations. It is a generalized form of the two sample t-test since a two sample t-test compares two population means and one way ANOVA compares k population means where k ≥ 2. [unordered_list style=”star”] Null Hypothesis…
Read MorePaired t Test with SigmaXL
Paired t Test The third type of a Two Sample t-Test is the Paired t Test. This test is used when the two populations are dependent of each other, so each data point from one distribution corresponds to a data point in the other distribution. When using a paired t test, the test statistic is calculated…
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