Chi Square Tests with SigmaXL

Chi Square (Contingency Tables) We have looked at hypothesis tests to analyze the proportion of one population vs. a specified value, and the proportions of two populations, but what do we do if we want to analyze more than two populations? A chi-square test is a hypothesis test in which the sampling distribution of the…

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Median Test with SigmaXL

What is Mood’s Median Test? Mood’s median test is a statistical test to compare the medians of two or more populations. [unordered_list style=”star”] Null Hypothesis (H0): η1 = … = ηk Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): At least one of the medians is different from the others [/unordered_list] The symbol k is the number of groups of…

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Kruskal Wallis with SigmaXL

Kruskal–Wallis One-Way Analysis of Variance The Kruskal Wallis one-way analysis of variance is a statistical hypothesis test to compare the medians among more than two groups. [unordered_list style=”star”] Null Hypothesis (H0): η1 = η2 = … = ηk Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): at least one of the medians is different from others. Where: ηi is the…

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Paired t Test with SigmaXL

Paired t Test The third type of a Two Sample t-Test is the Paired t Test.  This test is used when the two populations are dependent of each other, so each data point from one distribution corresponds to a data point in the other distribution. When using a paired t test, the test statistic is calculated…

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